Suchard Raksangob (Robert)

owner, instructor & examiner

Robert has decades of flying experience and thousands of hours in many aircraft types. He first learned to fly in the USA in the 80s, and continued flying as a hobby in Thailand.

Robert has PPL (Private Pilot’s Licence), IFR rating, multi-engine rating, tailwheel, and UPL instructor qualification.

Amy Pinata


Amy has PPL (Private Pilot’s Licence) and UPL instructor qualification. She is also a Director of Phuket Airpark and President of Phuket Flying Club.



KK is a Commercial Pilot and certified flight instructor. She has instrument and multi-engine ratings, and has flown to almost every possible destination in Thailand in small aircraft, as well as many overseas.


airpark admin

Liu is a graduate of Sydney School of Business & Technology. Liu makes sure both instructors and students are in the right place at the right time, and keeps everything organised.